quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

Na estréia de "A Blog Interview", nada melhor que logo o coordenador do curso Mr. Fuentes. A conversa se deu em clima informal para que o nosso entrevistado se sentisse super tranquilo e pudesse responder com franqueza as questões a ele levadas.

How did you decide to become an English teacher?
-          Well, first of all I’ve always studied English so I’ve always felt it was like part of my soul, of my body... And during the “vet times” I’ve decided to work to get an extra and… Then I’ve found myself in front of the board... The white board and I just loved it. So I’ve quit vet and then studied languages. And here I am… 14 years later here I am, indeed.

How long have you been working at Mab?
-          14 years.

What makes you glad during a class and what upsets you the most?
-          When students are into it, when they are really working and participating and feeling like we’re just one single group… one single individual. Sometimes I like to think that.
-          What upsets me the most… Well… The opposite. When I’m talking to the wall. But sometimes the wall is fun! (laughs)

What is the most unusual situation you’ve ever been through while teaching a class?
-          I can’t really say it because that was really awkward. But if you’ve ever been my student, you know what I’m talking about. But I could say it was some kind of Michael Douglas basic instinct thing.

What is the first thing you do as soon as you get home after work?
-          Well, I take my clothes off, have a shower and obviously smoke my pipe. 

Do you fear anything? What?
-          Honestly I don’t fear anything. Maybe being robbed, but I’m not afraid of dying. I’d love to die some day. It’s Paul McCartney, babe – “live and let die”.

What are your plans for the future?
-          I intend to keep working and have fun like I’ve always had.

Leave a message to our readers:
-          Carpe diem. I know that’s kind of obvious but I love this one. Or… “Living becomes much easier once we admit we’re dying”. That’s a classic end of a class of mine. So “see you all when we’re both cats”. (laughs)

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